
You, the reader, are anyone who feel that you want to learn more about climate change, why it matters and what you can do about it. You might find the topic abstract and difficult to grasp or simply want to see new creative ways of showcasing climate change issues that you already know of.

‘About Us: Stories of Climate Change’ is a comic book about the various aspects of climate change for all ages. However, the main target group is youth of ages 16-22. The book can be used as part of the high-school curriculum, offering insight on the interconnected issues of climate change with agriculture, biodiversity, politics and economics, as well as an accompanying teacher’s guide available suggesting pedagogic activities related to each story (sold separately).

Not everyone learns best by reading books. Our comic book offers a new way of learning through visual, personal and emotional stories of climate change. Whether you are a high-school student or never want to stop learning, ‘About Us: Stories of Climate Change’ offers modern, adapted and graspable perspectives on climate change.

By acquiring the book ‘About Us: Stories of Climate Change’, you are given the following:


10 stories of climate change, all based on real stories and real science. These stories display various aspects of climate change, from its impacts on biodiversity and tourism to its interconnection with our economic and political systems. Each depicted story is followed by an explanation of the science it’s based on and where the reader can find more credible information about the topic.


Instead of a general textbook, our comic book offers a more visual and personal way to learn about climate change. The reader follows the main character across the globe as she encounters various people, each having their own story to tell. This way, the reader learns about the various aspects of climate change through what it really means for people like him or her.


More important than anything is getting inspired. Climate change is about us, and it’s up to us to decide what to do with it. All stories end on a positive note, and after the uplifting end of the main character’s journey, the reader will also find a separate chapter solely directed at what he or she can do to act on climate change. This chapter contains solutions particularly relevant for youth.